A very powerful final line from Noah, but in the end I think a little confused. For example, consider what would be examples of regimes that have remade the world so we fight less over scraps. Genghis had some contemporaries in the Romans and Chinese, no? But how did they achieve this but by fighting over and distributing scraps in a more effective and stable manner?

Genghis's zero-sum game was the right game, because he was born outside of a world in which there were any other opportunities. He was not born a Roman patrician or a Chinese noble which might afford a life of not fighting over scraps. In the end, the creation of a world in which anyone or even everyone need not fight over scraps demands, seemingly paradoxically, a fight over scraps to grab the necessary power.

Plenty of interesting political theory which flows from this, but it's especially applicable to our present situation with Russia. The EU exemplifies Noah's liberalist attitude, abstaining from fights over scraps, and yet Russia the outsider feels no entitlement to such a life, sees that it must fight over scraps if it wants to reinvent the world, as Noah says.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Rohit Krishnan

This was great. Thanks Rohit.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Rohit Krishnan

The U.S. should only copy Japan's city design and housing policies if it also wants to copy their birthrate and demographic collapse. Kids need space.

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